Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Who let the dogs in?

I went home for Easter. Look at my cute dogs. Ahh- Love them. How can you not?
Just thinking the other day - am I a dog person or a cat person?
Don't know exactly what that means but I guess basically it reduces itself to a more simple question - If there was a big hungry crocodile going very fast and definite towards a (motionless and absent-minded) dog and a (motionless and absent-minded) cat (both of average cuteness on their own species cuteness scale) and you could (and should) only save one of them, which one would it be? Of course you were in a safety suit or just a floating spirit and had no emotional or other kind of connection with any of them.
Now let me see...yup, this indeed made things a lot easier. :)


Blogger person said...

great pics

3:18 AM  
Blogger arvindh said...

Wow you have a lot of cute dogs!

11:23 AM  

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